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If you are a hard-core breeder, reproduction specialist, or an avid hunter, Enable-Izer products are made to produce the most naturally healthy animal. For Breeders, genetic quality is phenotypically evaluated by rack size and shape. Also, having healthy animals is crucial to help deer survive and recuperate from many of the natural viruses and bacterial that plague our industry. Allowing an animal to be 100% healthy will enhance the genetic potential of your breeding program, either by antler size, increased reproductive performance, or survivability. The survival of just one deer in the pen would pay off the entire supplementation program for the year. For Reproduction specialists, Enable-Izer beneficial results can be observed by increased conception rates, increased oocyte production, increase embryo quality, and increased volume and concentration of semen in bucks. As for hunters, Enable-Izer can be added to gravity protein feeders at critical growth periods of the year. At the critical period of maximum antler development, does are in their last few months of gestation, which requires maximum metabolic activity. Enable-Izer supplements provide required body requirements for growth and development at this critical time period. Other benefits from our supplementation program include an increase in 30% antler size as well as increased adult and fawn survival rates.